China's "Ring of Life" - beautiful but what is it?
Early this morning I finally had some
quiet time to sit back and catch up on some reading and what has been posted on
the WWW over the past few days. This really caught my eye on enerchi's Ascension with Earth site:
"This 157 meter high building named "Ring of Life" cost around a hundred million RMB ($16 million USD) and used 3,000 tons of steel, but is it really a piece of architecture or are China expecting some visitors?"
Read more:
Searching "Chinese ring of life" brings all sorts of photos of the beautiful structure, which really does look out of place surrounded by ugly concrete block buildings:

and articles calling it a useless structure
Read more:
THIS article from China says:
"four elevators will be installed..." WILL be installed? Granted, maybe they do things differently in China, but in every building I've ever seen constructed here (and my family is in construction) the elevator is an integral to the construction process. Just sayin'
I have no idea what this very elegant ring's real purpose is, but given the fact that it's not the first bizarre structure that has been built in China, you have to wonder what's going on.
We have very weird structures in the Gobi desert:

And the National Theatre in Beijing :
I have theories about China..... but they're only theories and the one person who might know keeps side stepping the questions, lol, so for now I guess they remain just unproven theories.
"This 157 meter high building named "Ring of Life" cost around a hundred million RMB ($16 million USD) and used 3,000 tons of steel, but is it really a piece of architecture or are China expecting some visitors?"
Ring Of Life - Super Structure from China
Have China Built A Stargate? 2012 HD
Read more:
Searching "Chinese ring of life" brings all sorts of photos of the beautiful structure, which really does look out of place surrounded by ugly concrete block buildings:

and articles calling it a useless structure
Orient Excess: Chinese spend £10million building 500-foot loop of steel that does absolutely nothing
- The enormous ring emerging in Fushun city, northeast China, has been designed to be a viewing platform
- The monument, known as the Ring of Life, is made up of 3,000 tonnes of steel and decorated with 12,000 LED lights
Read more:
THIS article from China says:
name "Ring of Life" means a round sky and a path leading to a paradise in
heaven, said an article on the official website of the Fushun Municipal
response to some critics who say the building is not practical, Xia Hongjun, a
senior local official in Fushun, said "Ring of Life" is designed as landscape
architecture and four elevators will be installed for sightseeing.
with the Urban Construction Bureau of Fushun explained they gave up on creating
entertainment projects because the local population is too small. Thus, the
landmark building is only for sightseeing.
"four elevators will be installed..." WILL be installed? Granted, maybe they do things differently in China, but in every building I've ever seen constructed here (and my family is in construction) the elevator is an integral to the construction process. Just sayin'
I have no idea what this very elegant ring's real purpose is, but given the fact that it's not the first bizarre structure that has been built in China, you have to wonder what's going on.
We have very weird structures in the Gobi desert:
Why Is China Building These Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Desert?
is crazy. New photos have appeared in Google Maps showing unidentified titanic
structures in the middle of the Chinese desert. The first one is an intricate
network of what appears to be huge metallic stripes. Is this a military
1 & 2: readers are finding even more weird stuff.
Update 3: some unidentified agency, company or person has been ordering hundreds of photographs of this area since 2004. Check out that story here.
Update 3: some unidentified agency, company or person has been ordering hundreds of photographs of this area since 2004. Check out that story here.
seem to be wide lines drawn with some white material. Or maybe the dust have
been dug by machinery.
located in Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Gansu, north of the Shule River, which crosses the
Tibetan Plateau to the west into the Kumtag Desert. It covers an area
approximately one mile long by more than 3,000 feet wide.
tracks are perfectly executed, and they seem to be designed to be seen from
it's some kind of targeting or calibrating grid for Chinese spy satellites?
Maybe it's a QR code for aliens? Nobody really knows.
can check it out yourself in Google Maps here.
Read the entire article HERE

And the National Theatre in Beijing :
Beijing National Grand Theatre
National Grand Theatre guide and tickets

National Grand Theatre, also known as Beijing National Center for the Performing
Arts (Chinese Name : 国家大剧院), surround by artificial lake, the spectacular glass
and the titanium egg-shaped Opera House, designed by French architect Paul
Andreu, Its seats 5,452 people in theatres: the middle is Opera
house, the east is Concert
hall, and the west is Drama
dome measures 212 meters in east-west direction, 144 meters in north-south
direction, and is 46 meters high. The main entrance is at the north side. Guests
arrive in the building after walking through a hallway that goes underneath the
I have theories about China..... but they're only theories and the one person who might know keeps side stepping the questions, lol, so for now I guess they remain just unproven theories.
Here is my theory, I'm trying to do my research on what type of metal they used to build this Ring of Life. For instance remember in that series/show Stargate: SG1 the term ''Naqahdah'' a rare but super heavy metal that was first shown (but not named)and is also identified as a mineral a non-foliated metamorphic rock. It has various colors or shades like yellow, orange, pink, and red you know, because it's sandstone; now keep in mind the ''Ring of Life'' is decorated with 12,000 LED Lights that comes in the colors mentioned above.
ReplyDeleteIn that show the Stargate SG1 which naqahdah' is depicted as a fictional mineral, so they say. But the naqahdah was also present in the bloodstream of the Goa'uld which were a ancient symbiotic race of ''ancient astronauts'' which allowed them to control their technology symbiotically since biologically their bodies possessed the same material the stargate was built with along with other weapons like explosives and guns. Now get this, the Goa'uld in the Kelowna Republic which was a Nation State on the planet Langara, it is used to construct weapons of mass destruction for a cold war against two rival nations.
Now where have we heard that one before? I've also read that souls without form appear as pearlescent white balls of brilliant light in which that they all look alike and emit a warm glow of ''rainbow white light'' which is LED lights in there variables which was used to construct the Ring of Life using 12,000 of them alludes to me that the MerKaBa Body which has the ability to travel as in the Orbs which we see in photos and mentioned by William Henry who wrote the book (Oracle of the Illuminati) said that Consciousness of the MerKaBa One may travel through a StarGate and to see a MerKaBa body it looks like two ''tetrahedrons'' intersecting each other. Now look at the Ring of Life photos again that thing is riddled with tetrahedrons.
Also, The Ring of Life means round sky and paradise leading to a heaven. Now again why would the name it that? Isn't that what ascension is about? I also found out that StarGates are located at Mount Hermon, Dome of the Rock, the Kabba in Mecca, Lake Titicaca, Iranʻs Presidential Palace, the Sumerian StarGate and the Ziggurat. Now pay attention to this Enki of ancient Sumeria supposedly built a ziggurat in ancient Sumer.
It's said to have been composed entirely of silver (not mud bricks covered in silver but entirely of silver). If you were to see a depiction of Enki's ziggurat, it would be maybe four floors high, each floor a bit smaller than the one below it, with a glowing "Temple" on top, and have the appearance of a throne (such as the Emperor's throne in the Emperor's Palace, Forbidden City, China) Enki was a god of ancient mythology later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology. Now watch the interview of watch the meeting of David Icke with Credo when Credo told the story of snake brother Umpanku and Rwani.
These two snake brothers are well known gods in Chinese mythology, even three years old boys knows about these myths. Chinese call them "Pangu"(and "Nvwa"). When Enki's "ziggurat" first came here, it emerged from the abyss, the underworld called the Abzu or Apsu, and landed in what was to become Sumer. This event is described briefly concisely in Genesis 6:4 of the bible, the Book of Enoch and in Enki and the World Order.
Mother Sekhmet: (All of the major religions – Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Mayans, Jains, Sikhs, Confucius all have accountings in their Holy Texts of Angels or those who ascended from heaven with a means to fly away. They all speak of the sacred sites, The StarGates – which they built – and the vessels they beamed down from. There are endless accountings that may be taken from our Holy Books about the ancient astronauts.) End Quote.
ReplyDeleteNow pair what is said channeling to what I wrote above, you can't tell me this channeling is intangible and fruitless. Because I went into detail with out it addendum of Mother Sekhmet's analogy. This is why I think the Cabal wants to invade and control Iraq sense Iranʻs Presidential Palace is also a possible stargate, because on 3 year old 2009 video on Youtube which seems to have been taken down showed a UFO hovering over the Presidential Palace in Iran. But they also say that the Jerusalem Dome of The Rock Temple is also a stargate/potal since a UFO orb was seen hovering over that in 2009 when I first saw the video (
Portals are normally considered to be a wormhole in space or a stargate that allows entry from above and under the Earth as said in varying circles of the well known lightworkers like, Sheldin Nidel, David Wilcock, William Henry and Richard Hoagland. That's why I believe the oil excuse of them beign over there had much more to do with controlling those stargates to prevent other things from coming through that may try to help humanity.
Fascinating! What you said resonates with me. What do you think about Elizabeth Trutwin's books about Stargates? I think you'll find lots more. terrific read Im sure.