Top Russian TV Station Exposes Financial Tyranny [PICS, VIDEO!]

On December 4, 2012, one of Russia's top TV networks contacted us -- to do the world's first-ever full exposure of our Financial Tyranny investigation in mainstream media!
This show will air just hours after we have made this post -- and we hope to get a copy of it.
The significance of what REN-TV is about to do cannot be undermined.
REN-TV is one of the top television networks in Russia, with a potential audience of 113.5 million viewers. Their website is
[In the Russian alphabet, a P is equivalent to an R, and an H is equivalent to an N -- hence the "PEH" in the above logo means "REN", not some variant of "meh."]
No major media outlet has ever been willing to touch this story in video form -- as it used to be considered far too dangerous... not to mention highly classified.
Courthouse News Service was the only mainstream print media source to have ever tackled it -- and this was only on a website.
The first "official" independent video that revealed this case only appeared just this past Thursday, on December 13, 2012 -- around 11PM.
We will have more about that, including a link to it, in just a moment.
Here is the best online description of REN-TV I've found so far, with a link to read the text for yourself:
REN-TV Online Description
REN TV is one of the largest private federal TV channels in Russia. Founded by Irena Lesnevskaya and her son, Dmitry Lesnevsky, who had been running REN TV as a production house for other national Russian television channels, it has broadcast since 1 January 1997.
Its target audience is a young to middle-age city worker. Even though it focuses mostly on the audience in the 18 to 45 demographic, REN offers programming for a wide range of demographics, since the target viewer has a family and respects family values.
The channel has won 13 TEFIs awards presented by the Academy of Russian Television.
REN TV’s network is a patchwork of 406 independent broadcasting companies in Russia and the CIS. REN’s signal is received in 718 towns and cities in Russia from Kaliningrad in the West to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in the East.
It has a potential audience of 113.5 million viewers (officially 120 million viewers ) with more than 12 million of them living in Moscow city and Moscow Oblast (Moscow Region).
REN TV works with 10 broadcaster affiliates and 19 cable operators in the CIS and Baltic states; 181 cities can receive REN TV’s signal.
By many political fringe groups REN TV is considered to be “one of the last bastions of free media” in Russia.
It is the only channel up-to-date which covers the meetings of socialist and liberal groups and takes interviews from leaders of the political fringe.
REN-TV is about to make history -- releasing a documentary on the stolen gold, the Keenan lawsuit, the Illuminati, the Federal Reserve, Financial Tyranny and the now-160-nation alliance that has formed to end the oppression.
This was arguably the most classified and dangerous information on Earth -- until the story began to blow open in November 2011, when tangible documents first started to be revealed.
Only then did the pioneering work of Benjamin Fulford -- the former Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes, the world's largest business magazine -- produce a provable, indisputable piece of physical evidence.
This evidence appeared in the form of a lawsuit that Fulford had been telegraphing and anticipating for over a year.
The lawsuit was filed by Neil Keenan against the UN and many other global players. It was massive -- over 100 pages long -- and extremely detailed, as I revealed in this article.
This lawsuit was deliberately timed to be released on the anniversary date of the Kennedy assassination, as we since found out.
For many months, Fulford had been talking about this pending lawsuit.
Most interestingly, he said that it had the full backing of the "good guys" in the Pentagon and US military, as well as an alliance of about 57 nations at the time -- which has since ballooned to 160.
Unlike many people's stereotypes that "they're all in on it," in truth there is only a very small group of 'controllers' who have used murder, threats, blackmail and bribery to maintain power over much larger groups.
Politics have been used to manipulate Americans into turning against each other -- such as by blatant attempts to create a "race war" by painting blacks as all living off of the money earned by the hard work of the whites.
This campaign reached astonishing new levels of clarity and boldness during the 2012 election -- but it did not produce the desired result.
Rather than turning against each other, the mass public has continued to discover, more and more, that the real problem is not found in the 99 percent -- but rather in the 1 percent wealthiest entities in the world, and the steps they have taken to preserve their power.
The most astonishing omission in the 2012 elections, in my opinion, was any mention of the 26 trillion dollars of American currency that the Federal Reserve paid to its own member banks -- many of which are overseas.
As I revealed in Financial Tyranny, Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Alan Grayson and Sen. Robert Byrd pushed through a successful bill to audit the Federal Reserve.
The result was absolutely shocking -- and it received hardly any attention in the mainstream media whatsoever.
Politicians love to go on and on about how they "need to reduce the deficit" -- as if America is in terrible trouble because we owe trillions of dollars to foreign bankers.
The deficit is supposed to be some looming, seemingly insolvable problem. Ron Paul pointed out that nothing costs anywhere near as much as the sprawling military-industrial complex -- and he was seemingly forced out of the Republican 2012 nomination.
These debts are completely fake. They were built on fraud. The deficit is a myth.
It's admittedly quite a shift in perspective -- considering we've been told the same lies for many generations now.
The truth is that there is more than enough wealth to pay off all debts. This wealth simply has never been allowed to be used.
Very little has been spoken about the soaring unemployment numbers -- or the fact that the average American has less than $2,500 dollars of net wealth in the bank or in any other assets.
Well before the lawsuit was filed, Benjamin Fulford indicated that the "good guys" in the Pentagon were working with an ever-increasing international alliance to defeat the Federal Reserve -- and the oligarchs behind it.
With this would come the release of many "hidden" and classified technologies that could bring us clean energy -- at very low cost, and with minimal environmental damage.
Most importantly, this lawsuit would blow open the doors on a massive amount of gold that was stolen, worldwide, and put "on deposit" with the Federal Reserve.
Most people believe there is only about 140,000 metric tons of gold in the world -- about the size of an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Its apparent scarcity is what makes it so valuable.
The reality, as Neil Keenan has been told from the "Elders" in Asia, is that 2.5 million metric tons of gold was either stolen or handed over to the Federal Reserve at gunpoint -- beginning in the late 1920s.
85 percent of this gold was taken from Asian countries.
Much of this gold was originally pulled from a massive vein of gold running through China, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand that has remained highly classified ever since its discovery -- centuries ago now.
Beginning in a secret agreement from 1921, the Federal Reserve created the Bank for International Settlements. It became illegal for any country other than the United States to privately own gold.
All gold had to be handed over and put on "deposit" with the Federal Reserve. Those who did not hand it over willingly had it stolen from them.
The Japanese looted the Chinese gold on a truly industrial scale, throughout the late 1920s and on into the 1930s -- in what came to be known as Operation "Golden Lily."
The original holders of the gold were told they could recover it after 60 years. In the meantime they were given Federal Reserve bonds as collateral. They were told these bonds were "as good as gold" and could be cashed.
They were also told that surrendering their gold to this secretive international banking system would create world peace and prosperity.
No Federal Reserve bonds I have ever seen or published, up until now, date later than Series 1934. This is misleading, as Series 1934 bonds continue to be printed and issued straight through to the present.
Deliberate mistakes were included in the bonds that the Asians did not recognize, due to English not being their first language. These mistakes were used to discredit the bonds as forgeries should anyone try to cash them.
An astonishing number of insider photographs of these bonds was revealed in my full book-length investigation, Financial Tyranny, in February 2012.
The Asians, realizing these bonds were worthless, have also been handed enormous quantities of currency -- from many different countries of origin.
We are literally talking entire pallets piled high with cash -- as you are about to see with your own eyes for the very first time.
However, this currency is also worthless.
The serial numbers on the bills are not part of the registered financial system.
Therefore, if you attempt to cash them, you will immediately be branded as a counterfeiter -- and arrested and imprisoned.
Neil Keenan's sources in the Dragon Family sent me a wealth of photographs of the bales and bales of cash they have been sent -- as well as many other pictures of Federal Reserve bonds, bond boxes and chests.
Earlier this year, I went back through the original rush of emails I was sent in December 2011. I found that there were many, many pictures that I hadn't actually saved on my hard drive.
The bales and pallets of cash were sent to me some time in the spring of 2012, after I had completed the Financial Tyranny investigation -- and was exhausted.
If someone were trying to fake all of this, they would have put a lot of time, energy and money into it.
They therefore would have considered their fakes to be valuable -- and would have pushed me to use the pictures. I was quite overwhelmed by the amount of data I received.
No one ever even asked me to try to use the other photographs. We'd already made our point -- and there were many more where that came from.
Now, for the first time, I will show you the rest of them -- which nearly doubles the original count.

Chicago Bond Box -- $250 Billion in Bonds

Chicago Bond Box -- Top View

Chicago Bond Box -- Reverse View

Another Chicago Bond Box -- Top View (Notice Broken Seal After Bond Inspection)

Chicago Bond Box -- $250 Billion in Bonds

Chicago Bond Box -- Opposite Side

Chicago $250B Bond Box
[Notice deliberate errors: "This box Treaty of Versailles is Declared"... "Redemp-tion" "Engage-ment", etc.]

Chicago $250B Bond Box -- Opposite Side

Another $250B Chicago Bond Box

$250B Chicago Bond Box -- Opposite Side
[Notice deliberate grammar error: "The Department of Treasury"]

A More Recent Bronze-Covered Chicago Bond Box

More Recent Chicago Bond Box -- Opposite Side

Another $250B Chicago Bond Box -- More Degraded

Opposite Side

Another, Cleaner Chicago Box

Opposite Side With Rust

Another Chicago $250B Bond Box

Opposite Side

Another Chicago $250B Bond Box

Opposite Side

Full Bronze $250B Chicago Bond Box

Full Bronze $250B Chicago Bond Box -- Opposite Side

$250B Bronze Box -- Top

$250B Bronze Box -- Bottom

Another $250B Bronze Box -- Top

Another $250B Bronze Box -- Top

Another $250B Bronze Box

Chicago Federal Reserve $250B Bond Box

Chicago Federal Reserve $250B Bond Box -- Opposite Side

25 Billion-Dollar Federal Reserve Bond

100,000-Dollar Gold Bond [As Pictured in Financial Tyranny]
$500 Million-Dollar St. Louis, Missouri Federal Reserve Bond
[Notice ridiculous number of deliberate mistakes -- including "St. Louie".
The saddest and most ironic is "redeemable for a period of 33 tears."]

Billion-Dollar Federal Reserve Bond -- Back Side
Billion-Dollar Federal Reserve Bond -- Front Side

Boston Federal Reserve Bond Box -- $250B Total Bonds Inside, Weight 14.5 lbs.

Bundles of 100,000-Dollar Gold Certificates and Gold-Leaf Inventory Lists

A More Unusual Type of Federal Reserve Bond Box

US Treasury Gold Certificate for $100K -- Printed on Gold Sheet

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Gold Bond Box -- And Four Gold-Sheet Bonds Below It

Federal Reserve Bond Mother Box -- $1.5 Trillion Dollars in Bonds
[Phillipine Daily Inquirer newspaper in background for size comparison]

Federal Reserve Mother Box With 12 Bond Boxes -- Total Value $3 Trillion US Dollars

Another $3 Trillion-Dollar Federal Reserve Mother Box, Containing Bond Chests and Bonds
Three Federal Reserve "Mother Boxes" with a total face value of 6 Trillion dollars were seized in Zurich, Switzerland by Italian police -- eight days after we published the first half of Financial Tyranny on February 9, 2012.
This next Bloomberg article revealed the whole story on February 17th, 2012 -- which was incidentally the very same day that we published the final sections of our Financial Tyranny investigation.
As explosive as this was, I was too exhausted by this point to add this story to Financial Tyranny at the time -- but here it is:
Italian anti-mafia prosecutors said they seized a record $6 trillion of allegedly fake U.S. Treasury bonds, an amount that’s almost half of the U.S.’s public debt.
The bonds were found hidden in makeshift compartments of three safety deposit boxes in Zurich, the prosecutors from the southern city of Potenza said in an e-mailed statement. The Italian authorities arrested eight people in connection with the probe, dubbed “Operation Vulcanica,” the prosecutors said.
The U.S. embassy in Rome has examined the securities dated 1934, which had a nominal value of $1 billion apiece, they said in the statement. “Thanks to Italian authorities for the seizure of fictitious bonds for $6 trillion,” the embassy said in a message on Twitter.
The bonds were treated as "counterfeit", but looked very similar to the pictures our insiders leaked, just days before. Most of those pictures had never been seen before I published Financial Tyranny.

100 Million-Dollar Federal Reserve Bond From Seizure in Zurich, Spring 2012

$1 Billion-Dollar Bond Seized in Zurich, Spring 2012

Treaty of Versailles Information Scroll Inside Mother Box -- From Seizure in Zurich, Spring 2012

$250B Insurance Certificate from Seizure in Zurich, Spring 2012

$1M Green Cards from Seizure in Zurich, Spring 2012

Italian Police Officers Posing with Three Bond Boxes and Their Contents

Italian Police Officers Posing with Two "Mother Boxes" and Their Contents

Close-Up of Chicago "Mother Box" Seized in Zurich, Spring 2012
In this last series of photographs from the Asian elders, sent to me by Neil Keenan, we have a few more pictures of bond boxes -- apparently some they missed from previous rounds.
Then we see an astonishing amount of currency. Bales and bales and bales of money, stacked on pallets. Enough to make your head hurt just looking at it.
Apparently, these photographs are only still shots from a video that takes you through a complete tour of this bunker -- including huge pallets stacked with cash.
Gold bullion also appears at the end, in huge amounts, stacked on pallets -- as a rousing grand finale.
As I said, this money began to be issued when the Asians fully realized the Federal Reserve bonds were worthless -- and could not be cashed. They wanted real currency, not "funny money."
The only people who could print "funny money" -- to the tune of at least 26 Trillion dollars -- were the Federal Reserve banking families... and their corporate cohorts.
In order to run the "magic printing press," they had to seize everything else in the world that was of significant value -- and hide it away from the books, by putting it on "deposit".
The gold itself was buried throughout Southeast Asia -- including Indonesia and the Philippines. There are over 100 bunkers loaded with staggering amounts of gold -- far more than most people could ever imagine.
When the Asians realized the bonds were no good, the Federal Reserve started having to print bales and bales of money for them -- just to meet the interest payments on the current value of the gold that is still being hidden away at gunpoint.
However, since this currency is not yet registered, it cannot be used -- unless it is "activated" by its native country of issuance first.
Of course, none of the currency you are about to see has ever been "activated." It is essentially worthless -- despite how impressive it all looks.

Unusual-Styled Federal Reserve Bond Box

Euros Printed into 999.9 Pure Gold Sheets -- in a Box

Five Federal Reserve Bond Boxes
A Recent, Massive Container of Bonds or Currency ["Cien Mil" Means 100,000 in Spanish]

First Stack of Currency

A Small Pile of Euros

Bales of Euros in Asian Bunker

Bales of 10-Euro Notes in Asian Bunker

One of Four Visible Boxes of 100 Million Euros in Asian Bunker

Huge Box of Unknown Currency in Box with Australian Kangaroo Logo -- in Asian Bunker

Bundles of Earlier-Generation Deutsche Marks in Asian Bunker

Massive Pallets of Cash in Secret Asian Bunker -- Piled Three High in Wooden Crates

Close-Up of Pallets of Cash in Asian Bunker

Bundles of 500-Denominated Currency in Asian Bunker

Bundles of Good Old 100-Dollar Federal Reserve Notes in Asian Bunker

10,000-Denominated Asian Currency Notes -- Seemingly Endless -- in Asian Bunker

Huge Pallets of Cash in Asian Bunker

Close-Up of Huge Pallets of Cash in Asian Bunker

More of Our Favorite 100-Dollar Federal Reserve Notes in Asian Bunker

Boxes of Cash in Asian Bunker

Huge Pallets of Currency in Asian Bunker

Huge Pallets of Currency in Asian Bunker -- Wider Angle

Shelves with Incredible Amounts of Currency in Asian Bunker

Bundles of Cash in Asian Bunker

Bales of Brazilian Reals in Asian Bunker

Stacks of Gold Bullion in Asian Bunker

Additional Stacks of Gold Bullion in Asian Bunker

Close-Up of Asian Gold Bullion Bars

Even More Close-Up View of Asian Bullion

Even More Pallets of Gold Hidden in Asian Bunker

Buried and Recently Unearthed Asian Gemstones, Currency and Human Remains From Bunker Site
More recently, the banking families tried to pass off sheets of Euro bills that were allegedly worth a million dollars each -- to the increasingly frustrated Asians who have still never been properly paid the money they are owed.
The biggest and most painful fraud of all, in this case, is that each note clearly says "NOT LEGAL TENDER" on it!
They obviously think the Asians are stupid -- but they know exactly what is going on, and are working to end this once and for all -- and free our planet.
During a video chat, Neil Keenan held up one of these sheets for me, which he was only allowed to possess for a short time.
At this point he was not willing to have his face go public, so he was not in any of the shots.
I advised him on how to move the sheets so we could get wide shots as well as close-up views.
Here are the results:

Close-up of Million-Euro Note. Notice it says "Not Legal Tender" -- just in case they tried to cash it.

Million-Euro Notes on Uncut Paper -- Two Visible in Shot

Million-Euro Notes -- Reverse View

Full, Uncut Sheet of Twelve Million-Euro Notes -- Front Side

Full, Uncut Sheet of Twelve Million-Euro Notes -- Back Side
It frankly amazes me that this story has still remained secret for nearly a year after I published this massive investigation.
For some perma-skeptics, no evidence will ever be sufficient. For other "true believers," no evidence is necessary.
Nonetheless, as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
However, a full documentary -- on one of Russia's premier television networks, seen by millions of people -- is worth much, much more.
None of these pictures were available online until now, so they will not be in the Russian documentary.
Nonetheless, these images add significant, additional supporting information to the case.
REN-TV first made direct contact with me as of December 4, 2012, through Benjamin Fulford. They had read Financial Tyranny -- and were highly impressed with it.
They sent me a list of eleven explosively detailed questions on December 5th -- including one key subject I'd never even researched before.
They clearly had not only studied Financial Tyranny... they also knew more about certain subjects than I did. Interesting.
By the time they came to get my interview footage, almost the entire documentary was edited together -- but they needed very specific on-camera information from me.
I wanted a week to prepare for the interview once they sent me the questions.
However, I then found out -- on Friday, December 7th -- that the air date was December 16, 2012. They needed me to be ready to shoot within less than 48 hours.
I rushed to get a haircut. I then published a very brief website update, with a teaser about this important shoot I needed to "clean up" a bit for -- going for a shorter look.
Then, on Sunday, December 9th, REN-TV's American correspondent visited our Divine Cosmos headquarters building -- and filmed me.
Here is the letter that the production company sent Benjamin Fulford as of December 3, 2012:
From: _______
To: Benjamin Fulford
Subject: TV Russia
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 12:21:24 +0400
To: Benjamin Fulford
Subject: TV Russia
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 12:21:24 +0400
Dear Mr. Fulford!
My name is _____ _____. I am a producer of the Russian TV-channel "REN-TV".
You have given us an interview a few months ago for a documentary movie.
Now we are shooting a 3-serial film about financial corporations who control the world. We’d like to take an interview with David Wilcock but we cannot get in touch with him.
We know that you have done it some time ago and would like to ask you to support us contacts of Mr. Wilcock.
This information is important for us and we count on your help.
Sincerely yours,
______ ______
Here is the letter we were sent on December 4, 2012 after I responded to the email address in the previous message.
Dear Mr. Wilcock!
My name is _______ _______. I am a producer of the Russian TV-channel "REN-TV".
We have read your work «FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time». This book impressed us very much.
We decided to shoot a 3-serial documentary film about financial corporations who control the world.
This film will be shown by one of the leading Russian TV-channels [REN-TV.]
We would like to take an interview with you on camera to include it to our movie. Is it possible?
Our correspondent will come to a suitable for you place. Your information is important for us so we count on your help.
The mission of our movie is to spread the truth about those who control the world among Russians.
Sincerely yours,
_______ _______
The local American correspondent who filmed and interviewed me did not have very much information about the program.
All he knew was that my total talk-time in the interview footage was supposed to be constrained to 4-6 minutes.
In order to go through 11 questions that quickly, I was forced to keep everything much shorter than I would naturally have preferred. Each question had to be answered in as few sentences as possible.
I also was repeatedly asked to speak more dramatically than I normally would -- for added intensity.
Between writing it, shortening it and adding intensity, each question required 2-3 takes before I got it right.
The correspondent was under the impression that the whole show might not be more than a 4-6 minute spot. However, this was not what the email sounded like.
He admitted to me that he really was not told anything about the show except the questions and how long I was supposed to take on each one.
Based on the emails I just showed you, there is a distinct possibility that it will be longer than he had assumed -- but until we see it, I cannot guarantee that it will be any longer than 4-6 minutes.
However, the content of their questions was so powerful that even at 4-6 minutes, this will be a massive game-changer -- the first-ever mainstream media video revealing of the truth to the mass public.
I do seem to remember hearing that this would air during primetime, between 7 and 8PM -- but I cannot find any documentation on this, so that also may be incorrect. It could be any time today. It may have already aired by now.
Either way, it should appear on their website, on the schedule, after it has aired. Unfortunately, right now the online schedule only lists shows that aired up to the 13th.
I do hope we can capture it and watch it on YouTube, and we are working on that.
If you have the means to find a REN-TV feed and capture this footage into a video, please do.
The production company has been scrambling to finish this by the 16th, and since I gave them the footage I've had only a few more emails' worth of brief contact with them.
They were particularly excited by one thing I said -- and asked me for more information and clarification, which I provided.
Due to the high security risks associated with this production, I did not want to publish this article until well into the day it was slated to air.
This was to minimize any possibility that the broadcast could be successfully disrupted.
Now we are close enough that I'm not worried about it anymore.
On December 13, 2012 -- just three days before the Russian documentary series airs on REN-TV -- an "official" independent video on the Keenan lawsuit, put together by Michael Henry Dunn, a former NBC producer, writer and actor, appeared on the Internet.
Michael appeared on the radar recently when he wrote a surprisingly good-quality "Disclosure speech" for President Obama on October 19, 2012. Here are just the opening sentences of this amazing document, with a link to the rest:
My fellow Americans, and my fellow citizens of the world,
Shortly before I took office four years ago, I became aware – as every president since John F. Kennedy has before me – that a shadow government of financial interests exerts a pervasive control over the affairs of this world, and has done so since at least the early years of the 20th century, if not long before.
It was made clear to me at that time by representatives of these interests that the parameters of my power as president would be severely limited by the dictates of this shadow government.
John Kennedy was the last president to directly confront and oppose the dictates of this hidden global regime, and his death has served as a warning to future occupants of the White House ever since.
I recognized at that time that the Constitution that I had sworn to uphold and preserve had already, in fact, been betrayed, and that the republic envisioned by our founders had been systematically dismantled by this shadow government, whose agenda and goals are diametrically opposed to the ideals of freedom and equal opportunity upon which this country was founded.
It was made clear to me, moreover, that this shadow government has controlled and manipulated the outcome of every presidential election since 1968, including the election that brought me into office.
This shadow government has been controlled since the 19th century by the banking families of Europe, headed by the Rothschilds and Warburgs, and their so-called “bloodline” allies in European royal families, represented in this country by the private banking cabal that controls the Federal Reserve System.
The agenda and goals of this cabal were entirely self-serving, with the avowed goal of reducing the population of our planet by the mass elimination of billions of human beings through war, starvation, and disease, leaving a remnant of half a billion debt slaves.
Here is a recent video of Michael reciting a dramatic passage from Paramahansa Yogananda as Hurricane Sandy was booming toward Boston:
For what it's worth, I have noticed a "vibrational similarity" between Michael and Thomas Jefferson. Whether this is "reincarnation" or not, I don't know -- but it is interesting to speculate on how various archetypes appear throughout history.
As I said, Michael produced and released this new video as of December 13, 2012. The original link is here -- and had reached over 25,000 views by the time I wrote this update, three days later:
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