Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tom Heneghan Update 10/24


Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Wednesday October 24, 2012
Hillary Is At It Again

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Loser and dysfunctional Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that loser and dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhust Clinton ordered the government of Turkey to hand over the alleged Al Qaeda (CIA data base) U.S. Libyan diplomatic mission bombing suspect code name Ali to the government of Tunisia not the U.S. FBI!

Note: Both the United States and Turkey are NATO members, Tunisia is not.

Alleged bombing suspect Ali has been detained by Turkey and is identified as a foreign intelligence agent and a former member of the Mossad-riddled American-Turkish Council.

Ali also had ties to a British Intelligence cell in none other than Tunisia.

P.S. The night of the black op/psyop attack on the U.S. unregistered diplomatic post in Libya caused unprecedented volatility in gold and oil futures traded on international markets, with huge moves up and huge moves down all on worldwide electronic night trading platforms before actual day session trading in the United States even began. We can now divulge that the unprecedented trading volume, which should have been a red flag to financial regulators, derived from offshore secret proprietary accounts linked to the nation of Dubai and Citibank and to none other than Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate asset and stooge, Marc Rich and his Swiss-based Glencore Commodities company.

One must remember that it was loser Hillary, along with her bank dick husband, Bill, and current corrupt U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder that arranged for the illegal pardon of convicted felon Marc Rich at the end of the Clinton administration in 2001.

Conclusion: What happened in Libya was a financial black op to accommodate the trading positions of both the Israeli and Iranian Prime Ministers and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.

P.P.S. New evidence is coming out that former BushFRAUD U.S. Solicitor General Ted Olson helped to illegally rearrange court document numbers and filings of U.S. Supreme Court cases in 2003 including the Petition involving the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
Ted Olson
Tommy Thompson and Kenneth Starr

Assisting Olson was former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, now Republican U.S. Senate candidate, along with former Clinton era Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

The question now is: What did current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts know and when did he know it?

We can also divulge that scumbag Ted Olson and scumbag Kenneth Starr, along with scumbag loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, coordinated death threats against then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.'s family during the year 2000 presidential election dispute.

Year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. has not forgotten.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings
and notable queens.

At this hour, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its President Christine Lagarde continue to order massive repatriation of collateralized assets reference precious and industrial metals, along with oil holdings as final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols in Europe is now complete!

Note: One hundred fifty metric tons of gold has now been returned to the German Bundesbank, along with continued repatriation of collateralized assets from the rogue Union Bank of Switzerland.
Reference: The IMF and Lagarde have notified U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts that he has a Friday deadline to complete Protocol implementation in the U.S. or defer to the IMF and the Central Bank of Austria.

In closing, stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will include the role of loser and dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton in her corruption and manipulation of SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).
Loser and dysfunctional Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton

Hillary has also used the SEC to launch frame ups against her political enemies who are operating small brokerage firms that know too much about the crooked big banks along with the crooked big oil companies (reference Citibank and British Petroleum).

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