Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keenan Leins - timeline

Picture: New League of Free Nations (logo). BRICS plus.

The New League of Free Nations (NLFN) is a consortium of non-aligned nations, supported by the Asian White Dragon Society and the European original Order of the Knights Templar. The consortium grew from 57 nations to more than 143 nations within six months during 2012.

The NLFN mission, conducted through alternative diplomatic channels and with the support of oath-keeping military officials worldwide, is to restore the sovereignty and constitutionality of nations, return the rule of law, and promote freedom of human rights from economic slavery, by putting a stop to the past years of economic war against human populations.

The New League of Free Nations can trace its executive origins back to the 57-nation
Monaco Colloquium and Monaco Accords of August 2011. The NLFN involves and is supported by the BRICS grouping of nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) but excludes the G5 Western banking cartel (US, UK, Germany, France and Italy).

The New League of Free Nations has generated extensive international
documentation in all major languages. Among these papers are included LIEN Affidavits against the Bank for International Settlements (Basel, Switzerland), the US Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bundesbank (Germany), the Central Banks of France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Japan, and a Cease and Desist Order to the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and the Bank for International Settlements. The full text of each of these legal documents is linked in the synopses below.LIEN Affidavit against the Bank for International Settlements (BIS, Basel, Switzerland)
Issued publicly on Thursday 26th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Jaimie Caruana, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland. Lien Debtor: Jaimie Caruana. Lien Debtor: Hervé Hannoun. Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text
here.LIEN Affidavit against the US Federal Reserve Board
Issued publicly on Thursday 26th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Board of Governors, The Federal Reserve System, Washington DC, USA. Lien Debtor: Eric Rosengren (Boston Fed). Lien Debtor: William Dudley (New York Fed). Lien Debtor: Charles Plosser (Philadelphia Fed). Lien Debtor: Sandra Pianalto (Cleveland Fed). Lien Debtor: Jeffery Lacker (Richmond Fed). Lien Debtor: Dennis Lockhart (Atlanta Fed). Lien Debtor: Charles Evans (Chicago Fed). Lien Debtor: James Bullard (St Louis Fed). Lien Debtor: Narayana Kocherlakota (Minneapolis Fed). Lien Debtor: Esther George (Kansas City Fed). Lien Debtor: Richard Fisher (Dallas Fed). Lien Debtor: John Williams (San Francisco Fed). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text
here.LIEN Affidavit against the European Central Bank (ECB)
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Mario Draghi, Governor, European Central Bank (ECB), Frankfurt, Germany. Lien Debtor: Mario Draghi (Frankfurt). Lien Debtor: Herman van Rompuy (Brussels). Lien Debtor: Luc Coene (Belgium). Lien Debtor: Klaas Knot (Amsterdam). Lien Debtor: Ignacio Visco (Rome). Lien Debtor: Jens Weidmann (Frankfurt). Lien Debtor: Christian Noyer (Paris). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

LIEN Affidavit against the Bundesbank (Germany)
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany. Lien Debtor: Jens Weidmann (Frankfurt). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of France
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Christian Noyer, Governor, Bank of France, Paris. Lien Debtor: Christian Noyer (Paris). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of Italy
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Ignacio Visco, President, Banca D'Italia, Rome, Italy. Lien Debtor: Ignacio Visco (Rome). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of The Netherlands
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Klaas Knot, President, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lien Debtor: Klaas Knot (Amsterdam). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of Belgium
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Luc Coene, President, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels. Lien Debtor: Luc Coene (Brussels). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of Japan
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor, Bank of Japan, Tokyo. Lien Debtor: Masaaki Shirakawa (Tokyo). Lien Debtor: Hirofumi Nakasone. Lien Debtor: Junichiro Koizumi. Lien Debtor: Henry Kissinger. Lien Debtor: James Addison Baker III. Lien Debtor: Alan Greenspan. Lien Debtor: David Rockefeller. Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text

Cease and Desist Order to the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and the Bank for International Settlements
Order to Cease and Desist Criminal Acts concerning any efforts to alter, conceal, modify, replace or otherwise change legal access to and control over assets (gold deposits and derivative rights deriving therefrom) of private ownership deriving from President Soekarno of Indonesia, in breach of documented fiduciary obligations of UBS as bound to secure and protect such private ownership, and in violation of UBS obligations under international treaties established in 1960 & 1961, and reaffirmed in 1963 & 1966.

Order to Cease and Desist Criminal Acts concerning any efforts to utilize, leverage, devalue, re-assign, rename, or otherwise change any accounts or account numbers, access codes, verification codes, or control of any or all of the private assets deriving from President Soekarno of Indonesia, for the benefit of any unauthorised third parties.
Full text

The legal actions outlined above, and the active emergence of the new BRICS/Monaco non-aligned movement, are, among other things, a long-delayed response to the G5 banking cartel's theft / misappropriation / diversion of the Kennedy/Soekarno gold reserves intended, in 1963, to recapitalise global prosperity. The huge extent of these gold reserves was detailed in the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement of 1963.

Shortly after US President John F.Kennedy signed the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, he was assassinated by agents of the US Nazi-continuum banking cartel which, at that time, was gaining ascendancy within the Washington DC private corporation.
Picture: Kennedy & Soekarno - Andrews Air Force Base - April 1961.

Picture: Green Hilton Memorial Agreement Signatories 1963 - collage of 3 pages.

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