
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Celestial Trends for December 2012

Celestial Trends for December 2012, from Karyl Jackson

Source: AlphaLifeTrends
December 2012 OverviewDecember is universally an EIGHT* month, (*in numerology terms), by quickening the pace, and giving us a lot of activities and events flying into our world. EIGHT is a very active business number, emphasizing our business, career and financial dealings. This shift gives us a major thrust forward and empowers our participation in situations that are rising up and activating events. December gives us many situations that emerge, materialize and increase in speed, which requires that we jump into action and run to catch up to the events already in motion. Through the rapidly unfolding events, information continues to be activated and stream into the month, which provides even more activities that hit our schedule.
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on December 10th increasing the information exponentially. Mercury will bring forward information that occurred on October 28th, as Mercury first moved into Sagittarius, before turning retrograde in November. Many issues will have their roots in events from October 28th that will now be able to move forward and resolve goals, directions and pursuits that were tabled from that time.
On December 13th, we have a New Moon at 22 Sagittarius that provides a gust of wind that begins to move many situations around, as the winds of change planet of Uranus turns direct on the same day. Uranus captures many changing winds of circumstances that will blend together to blow in a whole new series of events. These two aspects happening on December 13th provide a powerful energy that begins to unfold an incredible array of information and new opportunities. The options and opportunities that become visible are giving us many choices as avenues unfold the very stepping stones that lead us to the bridge taking us out of 2012 and into 2013.
We will begin to see that all of these activities are taking us from merely walking to quickly running to ultimately flying through the month. The aspects of Sun, Mercury and Venus take turns connecting with Jupiter in Gemini. These aspects open many unanticipated options that become serendipitously connected at just the right time. These situations are a direct influence from the Jupiter in Gemini events that occurred from Jupiter’s first entrance into Gemini and begin to open opportunities that become available as Sun, Mercury and Venus create openings on December 2nd, 17th and 22nd. With new goals, different decisions are made, and the manifestations of changes within our outer environment begin to unfold.

December 2nd through December 8thThis week, December 2nd through December 8th, becomes the opening for Jupiter to expand important stepping stones into our life. Sun opposition Jupiter occurs on Sunday as we open the door to see the pathway in front of us. Many of the decisions that are now presented as stepping stones, were decisions made during the October/November timeframe. We have been moving forward and now we have come to the pathway across the situations, moving us into our right direction. Jumping onto each one of the stepping stones gives us the chance to pursue the direction we have decided, and now the time has come to make it a reality. Sunday begins a very important time that pushes us ahead, perhaps more than we have wanted, but we are ready to make headway and open the door to this week to get started in our new direction.

Many creative ideas spurt forward on Sunday that seem to give us this important head start. Mid-week we are able to put all of the logistics together to make an important transition into our future days. Friday morning we are able to connect with key people that help us to negotiate our way forward. The events on Friday seem to be non-stop as putting together an action plan seems to e destined for the day. With all events coordinated and planned, we move into the weekend with a whole new perspective.

December 9th through December 15thThis week, December 9th through December 15th, becomes a key time to set an important schedule into the month. Mercury moves into Sagittarius on Monday, which jumpstarts our efforts to put together our goals, plans and schedule. We see the need to discipline our efforts and put the plans into practical terms. Tuesday we find that many ideas are popping with activity as phone calls come streaming in at a time we thought nothing was happening. This is also in preparation for Uranus to turn direct. We begin to feel the wind increasing and know that many ideas and changes are riding on the winds of change. These begin to reach us on Thursday as the New Moon at 22 Sagittarius ushers in the gust that becomes gale force changes. Many events are flying around as key aspects of our self; home, image, career and pursuits begin to shift around. Thursday sees many things change and open doors occur, where we thought there were none. As meteor showers streak across the sky, doors open as if a greater cause is calling us forward. The transformational changes that have built up with the winds of change become a phenomenal change that comes into form on Friday. These changes have taken on form almost over night. Saturday Venus moves into Sagittarius bringing harmony to many of the unanticipated changes that are taking place.

December 16th through December 22ndThis week, December 16th through December 22nd, begins an important week, as Monday sees the planet of Mercury impacts Jupiter’s expansion bringing changes and new information that hit our doorstep. The ideas that were spotlighted on December 2nd now have the stepping stones built into this week. Monday’s connection with Mercury and Jupiter expand our viewpoint of the beginning and end of the pathway. We are now able to see where we are going. Many situations seem to be put into place that may not make sense until later in the week. Early Thursday, a surge of energy awakens us in the early morning hours to get us moving into directions we anticipated were further down the road. Innovative ideas come into the picture and provide a new approach to situations that evolve into opportunities as events become a bit of a surprise. Friday sees an additional surge of energy as Sun moves into Capricorn, signaling the Winter Solstice. Sun also connects with spiritual Neptune to bring about some important connections between the intuitive world and the business world. We will see evidence of this as we awake early morning on Saturday the 22nd, as we get things in order. Later Saturday brings Venus to connection with Jupiter’s ideas and expansive information. Venus brings a basket full of solutions that naturally fit into situations that have needed healing and resolutions. Venus finds the right avenues to open to allow expansion. As doors open a whole new perspective is visible. This gives us what we have been waiting for. We now see all of the aspects that connect with answers and resolutions.

December 23rd through December 29thThis week, December 23rd through December 29th, becomes an important week growth and accomplishment. Walking out of this week and into next, we see and review the many events of 2012 and at the same time walk the bridge toward 2013. Monday provides information for new ideas and a stream of communication develops into a wave of mental, emotional and spiritual energy. This continues to unfold in many ways, as Mars activates the energy that unfolds friends and connections with people that enjoy. Mars is the action-oriented planet that energizes many elements. With Mars rolling into Aquarius, there will be many humanitarian activities that take place. The focus will be to create events that bring people together. Many of these events will be in least-expected places, with heart-warming personal agendas. Late Thursday the nearly Full Moon rises to shine the light onto the transitions that will come onto our shore. The Full Moon occurs in the wee hours on Friday as the Capricorn/Cancer energy emphasizes the ability to take action on our feelings. Pluto is close to the Sun making this Full Moon even more pulling to transition beyond our old hesitations and fears.

December 30th through January 5thThis week, December 30th through January 5th, begins with Sun connecting to powerful Pluto. Pluto has been transforming the business world of government, industry, finance and international policies. Sun shines the light onto the important aspects that are happening that require that we think outside the box and do things different, rather than doing things the same old way. Pluto requires that we move beyond the old situations and create the needed changes by stepping up to the plate and create game-changing moves. Sun spotlights the need on Sunday, which sets the pace for the week. Mercury will come along to connect with Pluto in January, which gives us another week to gather up our ideas to put them into place. Mercury moves into Capricorn on Monday, which provides a jump-start to the process.

We move into the New Year of 2013 on Tuesday, which brings in new series of situations and events, universally a SIX* year (in numerology). SIX emphasizes our home and work environments, with the requirement to bring them into order. SIX also emphasizes health and healing as our mind, body, and spirit connection also requires our efforts to get everything aligned and in order. The previous SIX year’s occurred in 2004, 1995, 1986, 1977, 1968, 1957, etc. We can look at our own past history to see the events and themes of each of these years.

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