Monday, July 30, 2012

Tom Heneghan Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS: Deleveraging Escalates

Deleveraging Escalates
y Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday July 29, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets from offshore proprietary accounts in India, China, Singapore and the Philippines continue.

These collateralized assets are property rights, precious and industrial metals, along with oil and natural gas holdings.

This redemption and repatriation of assets is necessary because of the current LIBOR rate irregularities tied to Barclays Bank and other worldwide financial institutions.

At this hour, banks need collateralized assets not any alleged stimulus aka derivatives.

Any new round of stimulus would be absorbed in derivative costs within hours if not minutes.

Creating new derivatives to replace old derivatives would do nothing more than create a new set of bogus books to keep insolvent banks afloat for only a short period of time.

Reference: Remember, the banks still can't loan money so any new derivative policy is deflationary not inflationary and would do nothing to create any real aggregate demand in the world economy.

At this hour we can divulge that patriotic members on various committees in Congress are working overtime to accelerate reconsolidation and recollateralization of U.S. banks.

These members of Congress are working on behalf of the U.S. Taxpayers and the U.S. Treasury.

The game plan is to issue invoices on behalf of the U.S. Treasury, which has a tie in to the repatriation of assets linked to the 2008 TARP bail out program.

Note: By reducing the number of banks and consolidating the ones that are solvent it can be reported that this plan could reduce the U.S. budget deficit to $2 trillion or even zero it out within 60 days.
This dovetails to the immediate implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
Are you listening Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner?

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